Sunday 14 January 2007


Assis Malaquias, _Rebels and Robbers: Violence in Post-colonial Angola_, Nordic African Institute, 2006.

Lutiniko Landu Miguel Pedro, "Mennonites and peace-building in Angola," in _Freedom's distant shores : American Protestants and post-colonial alliances with Africa_, edited by R. Drew Smith (Waco, Tex: Baylor University Press, 2006)

Teodosio Uate, "Implementing environmental policies through legislation in Mozambique," in _Africa's Challenge: Using Law for Good Governance and Development_, edited by Ann Seidman (Trenton, N.J.: Africa World Press, 2007)

Anna Spenceley, "Tourism in the Great Limpopo National Park," Development Southern Africa, 23, 5 (December 2006): 649-68

Maryann Green, Gastão Lukanu, and Peter L. Greenfield, "Use of Wealth Ranking to Analyse Factors Influencing Smallholder Farmers' Market Participation in Northern Mozambique," Development Southern Africa 23, 5 (December 2006): 669-684

Other Titles:

Dário Borim, Crepúsculos de Utopias: Brasil e América Latina em Fernando Gabeira

Cécile Fromont, A Walk through the City: Stories and Histories of Luanda 1575-1975

Anthony Soares, The Violent Maintenance of the Portuguese Colonial Identity and the Search for a Postcolonial One: Literary Images of Portugal as a Colonial and Postcolonial Nation

Maria Manuel Baptista, A Lusofonia Não é um Jardim ou da Necessidade de "Perder o Medo às Realidades e aos Mosquitos"

Margarida Calafate Ribeiro, Lusos Amores em Corpos Colonizados: As Mulheres Africanas na LiteraturaPortuguesa da Guerra Colonial

Interview - Pedro Meira Monteiro, Literature and Difference: A Conversation with Alfredo Bosi

Compiled by Kathleen Sheldon (UCLA)

Assis Malaquias, _Rebels and Robbers: Violence in Post-colonial Angola_, Nordic African Institute, 2006.

Lutiniko Landu Miguel Pedro, "Mennonites and peace-building in Angola," in _Freedom's distant shores : American Protestants and post-colonial alliances with Africa_, edited by R. Drew Smith (Waco, Tex: Baylor University Press, 2006)

Teodosio Uate, "Implementing environmental policies through legislation in Mozambique," in _Africa's Challenge: Using Law for Good Governance and Development_, edited by Ann Seidman (Trenton, N.J.: Africa World Press, 2007)

Anna Spenceley, "Tourism in the Great Limpopo National Park," Development Southern Africa, 23, 5 (December 2006): 649-68

Maryann Green, Gastão Lukanu, and Peter L. Greenfield, "Use of Wealth Ranking to Analyse Factors Influencing Smallholder Farmers' Market Participation in Northern Mozambique," Development Southern Africa 23, 5 (December 2006): 669-684

Other Titles:

Dário Borim, Crepúsculos de Utopias: Brasil e América Latina em Fernando Gabeira

Cécile Fromont, A Walk through the City: Stories and Histories of Luanda 1575-1975

Anthony Soares, The Violent Maintenance of the Portuguese Colonial Identity and the Search for a Postcolonial One: Literary Images of Portugal as a Colonial and Postcolonial Nation

Maria Manuel Baptista, A Lusofonia Não é um Jardim ou da Necessidade de "Perder o Medo às Realidades e aos Mosquitos"

Margarida Calafate Ribeiro, Lusos Amores em Corpos Colonizados: As Mulheres Africanas na LiteraturaPortuguesa da Guerra Colonial

Interview - Pedro Meira Monteiro, Literature and Difference: A Conversation with Alfredo Bosi

Compiled by Kathleen Sheldon (UCLA)

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